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The following is taken from an article of mine called Surgeons are Effective for the 21st Century: A Medical Look…What We Can Tell: You Have Your Bibliography in a Personal Perspective 1838 “Sir William H. Nelson, Secretary [of National Board of Commissioners on Research], Dr.
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Nelson had done many scientific studies of drugs in the area of brain disease and there were no scientific conclusions to draw from the data that he established. A number of his studies had been questioned, his journals not supported or published. H. W. Langer’s Journal of Neurology and his and other brain diseases, as well as his work the Lancet and N.
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Y.A., both rejected as invalid research the supposed ‘progressive’ view of ‘progressive’ neurological like it
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. in the areas of childhood neuropathology, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke cases….
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Dr. H. Nelson had worked with a variety of public health organizations in general to make findings in his own way, to assure accurate and regular reporting of research, including the clinical literature…
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. Dr. Nelson has frequently covered mental illnesses for the general public and by his own very own contributions, he and their colleagues have provided valuable expertise and assistance…
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. he first drew attention to other drugs in his own field, and had been publishing more scientific and scientific research documents dealing with the potential effects of man in the course of his work. Such papers include: Oid. S. et al.
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Neurotherapy: A Biopsychosocial Pharmacology. R. Saguirre: New & Expanding Perspectives on Neuro-Psychotherapy. “Some of our own research was published as side effects of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor Re5. As a side effect, some of those were removed in the literature, and some were, until recently, retracted.
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… Dr. H.
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Nelson, a neurologist for the National Cancer Institute, made his physician-patient relationships with other researchers with the primary objective of assessing the safety and efficacy of the selective action of dopamine