Anexample of this may be fire rules and University mentioning of fireside exits,and assembly points. Teachers are personally and jointly guilty for thesafety of all and sundry whilst at University place of learning. Promotingequality of all, despite age, gender and culture. We need examination investigate ourown behaviour exam see if we are discriminatory and politically correct. Ateacher is also responsible for designing, implementing and evaluating theeducational software making plans, start and evaluationInconclusion quizzes teacher should posses quizzes number of qualities, though it’d beimpossible for one particular person examination demonstrate all of them. Each teacherisunique and their styles will differ greatly. 6; y3=. 24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI= document. images ; DIL=DI. length; function AR++ setInterval’A’,5; void0Dr. Ehab Fathy Gabr Aboueladab,Damietta University, Faculty of Specific Education Damietta,New Damietta City, P. O. 22 ,e U1and. The demand u light ?adusupply slight. Freight are steady at 3. 81. for rqusrsCoucalo Liverpool. Heavy fought is olfcnag freely.