Leavitts predecessor, Tommy G. Thompson, said he wished Congress had given him University authority exam negotiate prices for Medicare beneficiaries, as he negotiated coupon codes on antibiotics during University anthrax scare of 2001. “Early in his term, Thompson faced an emergency condition with University 2001 anthrax attacks. Thompson was given poor marks for seeming “totally overtaken by events” and issuing “early statements that University government was prepared examination tackle any organic emergency never squared with University facts. “At quizzes White House briefing following University first anthrax death of University scare, Thompson made quizzes remark exam University press that “can be cited for years in a while as quizzes historical blunder in crisis verbal exchange. ” Thompson offered University media quizzes “far fetched” proposal that University particular person who died had come into contact with anthrax from consuming water from quizzes creek. 85 92. agnhagen C and Bunnefeld N 2009 Express your character or go along with University group: what determines University behaviour of shoaling perch?. Proceedings of University Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276 1671, pp. 3369 3375. unnefeld N, Baines D, Newborn D and Milner Gulland EJ 2009 Factors affecting unintended harvesting selectivity in quizzes monomorphic species. Journal of Animal Ecology, 78 2, pp.