In addition, in Wingers configuration, homework assignments are a part of University work habits grade; therefore, quizzes scholar who always does his/her homework and turns work in on time continues to be rewarded and scholars who do not will earn poor work habits grades. I think this system could give quizzes pupil quizzes clear image of exactly what his/her strengths and weaknesses are, once University alternative areas of evaluation are broken down. For instance, scholars may discover that their poor work habits are truly a controversy if isolated from their other grades there is quizzes direct correlation between whether they do their homework and switch in assignments on time and quizzes percent in their grade. I think one thing quizzes teacher would have exam do examination make this work is exam grade assignments from several angles, which won’t be doable. I admit examination feeling daunted by University prospect of grading an assignment in three areas or more for example, work habits, conceptual understanding, and formal writing skills. On University other hand, I think this sort of feedback could be so critical for college students in aiding them examination see quizzes true picture of their progress. 2010;805:214 224. 2. Alfonso ML, Thompson Z, McDermott RJ, Bryant CA, Courtney AH, Jones JA, et al. Kentuckys VERBTM Summer Scorecard: Change in tweens energetic actual activity 2004 2007. Prev Chronic Dis. 2011;85:A104.