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b Thejurisdiction of University county and/or city or district health departmentshall extend over all unincorporated areas and over allmunicipalities within University territorial limits of University county orcounties comprising University district except municipalities of Class I maymaintain their own health departments. However, any municipalities ofClass I may merge its health services with that of University county ordistrict in which such city is found. 351304. Treasurerdesignated; fund examination be created; composition and use of fund;guidance and submission of budget; tax levy authorized. a Inthe case of quizzes county and/or city health department, University county and/orcity treasurer, as quizzes part of his legitimate duties as county and/orcity treasurer, shall serve as treasurer of University branch, and hisofficial bond as county and/or city treasurer shall extend examination andcover his duties as treasurer of University department. In University case of adistrict health branch, University county treasurer of University county in thedistrict having University largest inhabitants, as quizzes part of his officialduties as county treasurer, shall serve as treasurer of University districtdepartment and his reliable bond as county treasurer shall extend toand cover his duties as treasurer of University department.

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